What is CIIS 2022?
CIIS 2022 is the fourth edition of Cybercrime Investigation & Intelligence Summit, a forum dedicated to train the Law Enforcement and Federal Intelligence Officers on topics such as OSINT, Cybercrime Laws, Digital Surveillance, VPNs, etc.
Where is CIIS being organized?
CIIS 2022 is being organized between 12 – 22 September 2022. The event is being organized on a hybrid model (online + offline) to reach a wider set of audience.
Who can attend CIIS?
Officials belonging to law enforcement & intelligence agencies and prosecution/judiciary are allowed to attend this event.
We follow a stringent identity verification process to verify the registered audience.
We follow a stringent identity verification process to verify the registered audience.
What is the process to register for CIIS?
Visit https://ciisummit.com/registrations2022/ and fill up the form to register for the event. Please register for CIIS only if you work for the Law Enforcement, Federal Agencies, Prosecution & Judiciary domains.
All the registrations other than the aforementioned would be cancelled.
What is the Eligibility Criteria for the Certificate?
Participants will need to attend and complete at least 70% of the total sessions to become eligible for the certificate valid for one year.